France is invaded by Germany. Italy is maneuvering in North Africa and marching into Greece.
The skies over Britain become a war zone. The City of Coventry is destroyed by 500 Luftwaffe bombers.
Japan continues the looting of China, blanketing the middle kingdon with propaganda. The image of a happy prosperous Manchuku cooperating with the Japanese occupation is shown in stark contrast to the consequences of opposition to their ultimate goal, the conquest of all China!
While at home, American ships are sunk by German submarines and the United States announces its position.

In the Netherlands East Indies Captain Jim Mayo comes ashore at Ibu Bay on Halmahera to find an old acquaintance murdered.

The Japanese and Germans are attempting to spread scores of two man submarines across the commercial shipping lanes of the Far East.

To discover what has happened to the man he knew Jim heads for the interior. Climbing the Gam Konora volcano he discovers a secret weapons workshop in a ruined city and enters into a final confrontation with the S.S. Carlsberg in Halmahera’s Todahe Bay.

 Ponga Jim Mayo and
the Merchant Marine
 Turk Madden and
the Aviators
 Mike Thorn and
the Mercenaries
The Ships, Subs,
Aircraft and Technology