France capitulates, partially joining the German cause.
French colonies vacillate between being pro or anti Fascist.

A Spanish news agency captures this stunning footage of the destruction of the
French Fleet
at the hands of the British Navy while at Mers-el-Kebir.
Taking advantage of Frances' weakness, Japan moves in to French Indochina to control the border with China ... in protest FDR orders the seizure of all Japanese assets in the United States. The French general governer, General Catroux, is powerless to resist.

The British invade Iraq, securing it’s oil for the Allies.
British and Free French troops invade Syria and Lebanon.

Germany attacks the Soviet Union ending the cooperation between Hitler and Stalin.

Heading west for the British port of Aden with a load of pilots and aircraft destined for the Middle East, the Semiramis dodges subs and merchant raiders (cargo vessels secretly armed like small warships) by avoiding the regular shipping lanes.
 Click map for larger image
They travel through the Banko Straight, around Sumatra, and through the Straights of Sunda and then cross the Indian Ocean steaming down the tenth parallel. They are also carrying a famous French general who was banished to New Caledonia for his anti fascist views … he must be delivered to the Free French forces mustering in North Africa. Tensions mount as they begin to suspect there is a traitor or Axis agent on board.
As they near the Chagos Islands they discover a man drifting on a raft. He is nearly dead but he tells a story about the crew of a ship sunk by a merchant raider being held prisoner on Nelson Island. Jim Mayo must decide whether to risk his ship, cargo and VIP passengers in an attempt to free the stranded crewmen.

 Ponga Jim Mayo and
the Merchant Marine
 Turk Madden and
the Aviators
 Mike Thorn and
the Mercenaries
The Ships, Subs,
Aircraft and Technology